Sunday, 19 July 2015

Food Adventures | 19.07.15

Good food + tons of pictures = new blog post

I am straining to keep my eyes open to write this blog post and its only 10.27 pm!? I swear every single time I go somewhere that isn't a room in my house, I get really tired. This is why I'd rather spend my days in bed watching Friends. Anyway, I did go out today (hence the tired thing) to have a buffet lunch in Doubletree by Hilton and naturally, I took a 100+ pictures. 
Thus, a blog post was born.


Makan = Eat
(translation to English)
The whole spread consisted purely of Malaysian delicacies from different cultures ; Indian, Chinese and Malay

Here's a tip for when you're going for a buffet lunch/dinner : DON'T WEAR HIGH WAISTED JEANS
Trust me, you do NOT wanna put yourself through that kind of torture.


Top left ; my brother, future bartender
Bottom left : the only station I didn't eat at
Bottom right : art (am I tumblr or what)

And of course no blog post is complete without awkward pictures of me that I'll probably look back on 5 years from now and cringe at.
(also, more art)

I have tons more pictures in my phone but hey, there's a limit to everything.
Anyway, I wanna wish a Selamat Hari Raya to all my muslim readers!
Cheers to lemang and rendang for days.

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